Upcoming Youth Events
New outings are coming: Bowling, Skating, a family luncheon outing, and Breakfast with the Pastor.
Youth Department Newsletter
The Youth Department is excited about starting a newsletter dedicated to the youth in our church. This newsletter will highlight what they are doing and the things the youth and children are interested in. The youth will be in charge of the newsletter and will write the articles, which will be edited by members of the Parish Board of Education. As always, you are welcome to give us feedback.
Youth Room Debuts
We are excited about our new Youth Room. It features books, games, a television and a new computer. We will have tutoring for all ages, and a Youth Bible Study, and a youth chat group.
Youth Choir Begins
The Youth Choir will be starting up in February and will sing on the 3rd Sunday of the month. All youth who would like to sing are encouraged to come out and join us.
Past Youth Events
Youth 2022 Palm Sunday Celebration
2/21/21 Servant Event/Skating/Pizza Party Pics
In March 2018, the former Lutheran churches of Berea, Greenfield Peace, Faith, and St. Paul’s joined to become Shadow of the Cross Lutheran Church. One of this union’s most blessed assets has been its Youth Fellowship. We came together with a bang by sponsoring 16 young people for the 2019 National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We partnered with Christ Our Savior and other churches to send more than 60 youth and 10 adults to the gathering.
The primary goals and activities of this fellowship include spiritual, service, educational and fun efforts.
- The fifth Sundays of each year are dedicated to worship. Our youth serve as greeters, crucifix carriers, acolytes, readers of the Old Testament and Epistle lessons, ushers, and communion assistants. They are looking forward to the return of the choir and liturgical dance.
- Young women participate in an annual retreat. Sunday School programs are available for young men and women.
- There are fundraisers, such as Coffee Hour, bake sales, candy sales, etc., to raise money for projects and church efforts.
- The Annual Scholarship/Awards program in June recognizes graduates, students and confirmands with incentives that range from $25 to $500.
- In keeping with servant events, the youth have sponsored canned good drives, blanket drives, and other efforts to support our community. We also have a fantastic gym facility!
Members of the Youth Fellowship possess such talents as singing, dancing, acting, and playing instruments. This ministry provides an opportunity for youth to develop skills in leadership, ultimately becoming pastors, elders, church workers, and members of our churches. Jerome Pettus, a former Youth Fellowship participant, is one example. Another is Steve Rooker, who served in many capacities as a youth; still another, Myita Davis, who served as youth vice president and president of the Berea Youth Fellowship.
We are getting ready for the future and looking forward to continuing to work in the church, the school, and the community.
Sponsors of this Youth Fellowship include Lainia Burk, Ava Davis, Barbara Hatcher, Heather Rooker, Steve Rooker, Linda Wilcoxson, and Ellis Threadcraft as the Prayer Leader/Chaplain. Peer mentors include Lexus Giddings and Joseph Sanchez.