Sunday School

The Sunday School wants to thank the two elders - Ellis Threadcraft and Jim Kivimaki - and everyone else who attended our outing on November 10. Outside it was rainy, but inside was full of conversations, smiles, laughter and joy. We hope more can join us to experience the fun on our next outing.


Classes for children and youth are conducted in person. Students and teachers are dismissed from the worship service after Confession and Absolution (around 10 a.m.). They will meet together in the Bible Study room, then disperse to other rooms according to age groups: Kindergarten (ages 4-5); Primary (ages 6-8); Junior (ages 9 – 13); and Teens (ages 14-18). Sunday School classes are age-specific, so students can benefit from the lessons that are developed specifically for them.

The Adult Sunday School is held from 10 - 11 a.m. on Saturdays via Zoom. Prior to each session, a reminder text is sent to participants. (Please call the church office, 248/474-0675, for the Zoom information.)

Why take part in the SOTC Sunday School program? Because you can really dig into the Scriptures and ask questions, discuss answers, and share personal insights and experiences. Sunday School also helps build friendships with other Christians.

The Sunday school staff includes Barbara Profit, superintendent; Lainia Burk, Shirley Bowden, Myita Davis, Dawn Kivimaki, Roderick McClure and Lori Smith. As a team, we encourage you to start (or continue) bringing your children, your children’s friends, and yourself, to Sunday School!


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