Altar Guild

Shadow of the Cross Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is looking for new members to help us set up for  communion and to keep the altar area beautified. Please contact Veronica Green if you are interested.


The Altar Guild of Shadow of the Cross Lutheran Church works closely with Pastor Dupre and the Board of Elders to present a reverential worship sanctuary that expresses love for God and respect for the people gathered there.

These dedicated women are responsible for preparing the altar and chancel area for regular and seasonal worship services, and for weddings and funerals, and other special occasions. This preparation includes putting out the appropriate colored paraments; hanging up the banners; tending to the candles and candle lighters; ensuring the candles are lit and extinguished before and after the service; dusting the chancel area and setting out any altar or chancel flowers.

Another major responsibility of the Altar Guild is arranging the vessels and supplies for Holy Communion. It starts with making sure there is enough wine and wafers for each communion service. Then the vessels need to be filled and everything set out before the service begins, and cleaned up and put away afterward. If you notice a woman being especially attentive during the distribution, it’s probably the Altar Guild member on duty watching for an indication that something is amiss.

Adorning the sanctuary, especially for Advent/Christmas and Lent/Holy Week/Easter, is an all-hands-on-deck activity, and oftentimes employs spouses and children to assist.

Then there are the occasional tasks of arranging for the dry cleaning of the paraments and linens and polishing the communion ware.

All of this work is done behind the scenes. What makes an Altar Guild group special is that they perform all these duties with joy in their hearts and humble service in their attitudes. 

Sign up for Altar Flowers

Interested in adorning the altar with live flowers for a Sunday worship? Use the flower chart calendar in the Narthex to sign up. You can purchase the altar flowers in celebration of an event (birthday, anniversary, promotion), in memory of someone, in thanksgiving, or just because. Your message will be added to the bulletin notes for that Sunday. You can pick up your flowers following the service (returning the containers would be appreciated).

The cost is $50 for two vases or $25 for one. Please make your check out to Springbrook Gardens Florist, place the check in one of the envelopes located below the flower chart, and then put the envelope in Deborah Quarles’ mailbox in the hallway.


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